- Always try to say "HI", "Sorry", and “Thanks" in work place.
- Avoid having smelling Foods (Non-veg varieties) at Workplace
- Avoid Makeup at the Desk
- Avoid Strong Perfumes
- Avoid team conflicts.
- Be Punctual.
- Don’t encourage office politics.
- Don’t use office equipments for personal usage.
- Keep Your Personal Problems to Yourself
- Maintain eye contact while discussing with co-workers.
- Maintain good Body Language.
- Maintain personal distance while talking to co-workers.
- No More Annoying Habits
- Shake Hands Firmly
- Should be a role model for juniors.
- Smile at your co-workers.
- Telephone Conversation Manners
- Use office rest room like our home rest room.
Thank you much for your time.