
Monday, December 12, 2011

Ten Things only Bad Managers Say

It is an impressive article written by Liz Ryan [Expert on the new millennium workplace and a former Fortune 500 HR executive].  I like to share this article to my followers.

Reference: HR articles from My Friends.

 1.       If you don’t want job, I’ll find someone who does.

 2.       I don’t pay you to think.

 3.       I won’t have you on Social Media Networking while you’re on the clock.

 4.       I will take it under advertisement.

 5.       Who gave you permission to do that?

 6.       Drop everything and Do this NOW!

 7.       Don’t bring me problems.  Bring be solutions.

 8.       Sounds like a personal problem to me.

 9.       I have a feedback for you and everyone here feels the same.

 10.   In these times, you are lucky to have a job at all.

Conflict Management

Conflict management is the practice of identifying and handling conflict in a sensible, fair and efficient manner.

Effects of Conflicts in Organization:
Staff turnover

Steps to resolve conflicts:
Assure privacy
Empathize than sympathize
Listen actively
Maintain equity
Focus on issue, not on personality
Avoid blame
Identify key theme
Re-state key theme frequently
Encourage feedback
Identify alternate solutions
Give your positive feedback
Agree on an action plan