Last week i read one positive thinking story, its really impressed me. So i like to share this here,
Tamil Version:
роТро░ு роиாро│் роЕро░рог்рооройைропிро▓் ро░ாроЬா рокро┤роо் роЪாрок்рокிроЯ ро╡ெроЯ்роЯுроо் рокொродு родрой் роХைропை ро╡ெроЯ்роЯி роХொрог்роЯாро░் роЙроЯройே роЕро░ுроХிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родро╡ро░்роХро│் рооро░ுрои்родு роХொрог்роЯு ро╡ро░, ро╡ைрод்родிропро░ை роХூрокிроЯ роОрой роЕроЩ்роХுроо் роЗрой்ройுроо் роУроЯிройро░் роЕройாро▓் роЕрооைроЪ்роЪро░ோ
"роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் роирой்рооைроХ்роХே" роОрой்ро▒ு роЪொрой்ройாро░். роЗродை роХேроЯ்роЯ ро╡ро▓ிропிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்род ро░ாроЬாро╡ுроХ்роХு роХோрокроо் ро╡рои்родுро╡ிроЯ்роЯродு. роЙроЯройே роХாро╡ро▓ாро│ிроХро│ை роХூрок்рокிроЯ்роЯு роЕрооைроЪ்роЪро░ை роХைродு роЪெроп்родு роЪிро▒ைропிро▓் роЗроЯ роЖрогைропிроЯ்роЯாро░். роЕродро▒்роХுроо் роЕрооைроЪ்роЪро░்
"роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் роирой்рооைроХ்роХே" роОрой்ро▒ு роЪொрой்ройாро░் " ро░ாроЬா ро╡ுроХ்роХு роХோрокроо் роЗрой்ройுроо் роЕродிроХро░ிрод்родродு. .
рооро▒ு роиாро│் ро░ாроЬா ро╡ேроЯ்роЯைроХ்роХு рокроЯைроХро│ுроЯрой் рокுро▒рок்рокроЯ்роЯு роЪெрой்ро▒ாро░், роЕроЩ்роХே рокродுроЩ்роХி роЗро░ுрои்род роТро░ு рокுро▓ி роУрой்ро▒ு ро░ாроЬா рокроЯைроХро│் рооீродு рокாроп்рои்родு роЪிродро▒роЯிрод்родு. ро░ாроЬாро╡ுроо் рокроЯைроХро│் роЪிродро▒ி роУроЯிройро░். роЕроЯро░்рои்род роХாроЯு роЗро░ுроЯ்роЯிропродாро▓் ро░ாроЬா ро╡ро▓ி родро╡ро▒ி роХроЯ்роЯுроХро│் рооாроЯ்роЯி роХொрог்роЯாро░். роЕрок்рокோродு роЕро╡்ро╡ро┤ிропாроХ ро╡рои்род роХாроЯ்роЯு ро╡ாроЪிроХро│் ро░ாроЬாро╡ை рокிроЯிрод்родு роЪெрой்ро▒ройро░். ро░ாроЬா ро╡ை роХாроЯ்роЯு родேро╡родை роХ்роХு рокро▓ி роХொроЯுроХ்роХ родропாро░் роЪெроп்родройро░். ро░ாроЬா ро╡ுроХ்роХு роОрой்рой роЪெроп்ро╡родெрой்ро▒ு рокுро░ிропро╡ிро▓்ро▓ை. рокро▓ி роХொроЯுроХ்роХ ро╡рои்род рокூроЪாро░ி ро░ாроЬா ро╡ிрой் роХைропிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்род ро╡ெроЯ்роЯு роХாропрод்родை рокாро░்род்родாро░். роЗро╡ро░ை рокро▓ி роХுроЯுроХ்роХ роЗропро▓ாродு ро╡ிроЯ்роЯு ро╡ிроЯுроо் рокроЯி роЪொрой்ройாро░்.
роЕро╡ро░்роХро│ுроо் ро░ாроЬாро╡ை ро╡ிроЯுро╡ிрод்родройро░், ро░ாроЬாро╡ுроХ்роХு роЕрок்рокோродு родாрой் роЕрооைроЪ்роЪро░் "
роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் роирой்рооைроХ்роХே" роОрой்ро▒ு роЪொрой்ройродு рокுро░ிрои்родродு . роЙроЯройே родро╡ро▒ை роЙрогро░்рои்родு роЕро░рог்рооройைроХ்роХு роЪெрой்ро▒ு роЕрооைроЪ்роЪро░ை ро╡ிроЯுродро▓ை роЪெроп்родு роЕро┤ைрод்родு ро╡ро░ுрооாро▒ு роЙрод்родро░ро╡ுроЯ்роЯாро░்.
роЕрооைроЪ்роЪро░ிроЯроо் роорой்ройிрок்рокு роХேроЯ்роЯ ро░ாроЬா роироЯрои்род роЪроо்рокро╡род்родை роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் роЪொрой்ройாро░், роЕродு роЗро░ுроХ்роХроЯ்роЯுроо் роЙроо்рооை роЪிро▒ைропிро▓் роЕроЯைрод்род рокோродுроо்
"роОро▓்ро▓ாроо் роирой்рооைроХ்роХே" роОрой்ро▒ு роЪொрой்ройிро░ே роЕродு роПрой் роОрой்ро▒ு роХேроЯ்роЯாро░். роЕродро▒்роХு роЕрооைроЪ்роЪро░் роЪொрой்ройாро░் ро░ாроЬா рокுро▓ி роЙроЩ்роХро│ை ро╡ிро░роЯ்роЯுроо் рокோродு роХாро╡ро▓ாро│ிроХро│் роЙроЩ்роХро│ை родройிропாроХ ро╡ிроЯ்роЯு ро╡ிроЯ்роЯு роУроЯி ро╡ிроЯ்роЯройро░் роЖройாро▓் роОрой்ройாро▓் роЕрок்рокроЯி роЪெроп்роп роЗропро▓ாродு родроЩ்роХро│ுроЯрой் ро╡рои்родிро░ுрок்рокேрой். роЕрок்рокроЯி ро╡рои்родிро░ுрои்родாро▓் роЙроЩ்роХро│ை ро╡ிроЯ்роЯு ро╡ிроЯ்роЯ роХாроЯ்роЯுро╡ாроЪிроХро│் роОрой்ройை роХрог்роЯிрок்рокாроХ рокро▓ி роХொроЯுрод்родு роЗро░ுрок்рокாро░்роХро│்.
роЖроХро╡ே ро░ாроЬா роОродு роироЯрои்родாро▓ுроо் роирой்рооைроХ்роХே роОрой்ро▒ு роХро░ுродро╡ேрог்роЯுроо் роОрой்ро▒ாро░்.
English Version:
There once lived a Prime Minister to a Great King who's job was to sort out all the problems of the King's Royal Servants.
The Prime Minister had spent many years studying with a mysterious hermit. The hermit would tell the Prime Minister that all he need do to be at complete peace was to repeat the following words:
One day the Prime Minister became totally aware of the deepest meaning of these words. He was instantaneously free of all problems and worries, and felt deep peace in his heart.
One morning the King's Royal Cook walked into the Royal Kitchen and found the Special Royal Breakfast he made for the King being eaten by the King's Royal Cat! He was enraged! He thought to kill the Cat, but then remembered that first he should tell the Prime Minister. After all, the cat was royalty too.
So, the Royal Cook found the Prime Minister and told him the story. The Prime Minister just smiled at the Royal Cook and said, "Listen, ALL IS WELL, And EVERYTHING IS UNFOLDING AS IT SHOULD." And the Royal Cook said, "WHAT! How can you say that?"
And he stormed away.
The same morning, one of the King's Royal Guards came on duty to find that else got promoted was expecting. He was furious.
So he went to the Prime Minister and said, "How can this be?! It was I who should have been promoted! What are you going to do about this?"
The Prime Minister turned to him, smiled and said, "Don't worry, ALL IS WELL, And EVERYTHING IS UNFOLDING AS IT SHOULD."
His words did nothing for the Royal Guard other than make him more furious as he left.
It just so happened that this Royal Guard bumped into the angry Royal Cook and they exchanged stories.
As they were walking along, they passed the Royal Barbershop where the King happened to be having his Royal Shave.
Just as they looked in, the Royal Barber slipped with his blade and cut the King's Royal Neck. His Royal Blood spurted all over. This gave them a plan. They knew exactly how to fix the Prime Minister.
They ran to the Prime Minister and told him what happened to the King. Naturally, he replied with a smile, "ALL IS WELL, And EVERYTHING IS UNFOLDING AS IT SHOULD." That was just what they wanted to hear.
They went back to the King who was being bandaged up by the Royal Doctor, and said, "Your Highness. We just spoke with the Prime Minister and told him what happened to you. He looked at us, smiled and said, 'ALL IS WELL, And EVERYTHING IS UNFOLDING AS IT SHOULD.'"
The King replied, "WHAT!!! Bring him to me!"
They brought the Prime Minister to the King, and the King asked him, "What did you say when you heard of my condition?"
The Prime Minister looked the King in the eyes, smiled and said, "Your Majesty, ALL IS WELL, And EVERYTHING IS UNFOLDING AS IT SHOULD."
And the King turned to his Royal Guards and said, "Throw him in the dungeon."
It happened that this was a Friday and every Friday, the King and the Prime Minister would go riding through the forest. However, since the Prime Minister was locked away, the King decided to go alone.
Unknown to the King, in the forest on this day there was some cult ceremonies going on. The head of the cult worshipers told his followers to go into the forest and find a pure being to be sacrificed.
Sure enough, they found the King and brought him to the ceremony.
The leader looked at the King and said, "Prepare him for sacrifice." However, when the leader looked at the King's neck, he saw the bandage.
He exclaimed, "What's that on his neck! Remove the bandage! You have not brought me pure being! Send him away and bring me someone pure!"
As the King was riding back to the Royal Palace, he remembered the Prime Minister's words and understood.
Immediately he released the Prime Minister.
"My good Prime Minister. You were right. If I hadn't been injured, some cult worshipers would have sacrificed me. My apologies, thank you," said the King.
And once again the Prime Minister smiled and said, "Yes, and not only that. You see, had you not thrown me into the dungeon, I would have been with you riding and they would have sacrificed me instead.
So from this story it true that
"Whatever is happening for a reason.,whatever is gonna happen is for a reason", just keep working hard and take everything in a positive manner.
Tamil Story Reference: Shri Sadhguru Jaggivasudevan TV Speech
English Story Reference: Online Story