Here is 10 steps to make Work/Life balance.

- Make a proper schedule for everything including your office tasks and personal duties toward home, family and friends. Strictly follow the schedule and try your best not to allow the unusual and unexpected things to interrupt and disturb your schedules.
- Consider everything and keep in mind the things which are more important to you at a specific time regarding your work, family/friends or personal. Don’t always follow the brain but sometimes follow the heart.
- Draw a clear line between your work-life and personal-life. Arrange the free hours and don’t plan any tasks to do in it. Try to spend list free time and let the things move on naturally.
- Over-time or extra work is a worse danger to an employee. Try your best to get all things done at the deadline.
- Keep everything around you clean, organized and well decorated. It is really important for your mental satisfaction and peace.
- Arrange all the necessary material/equipment you need to accomplish your task beforehand. It speeds up your performance with better results and less stress.
- Try to keep a smiling and cheerful attitude always. Don’t care of how big are your worries, how difficult is your job and how much satisfied you are of the things around you.
- Don’t accept the extra/unnecessary burden of work until you have not accomplished yours. Helping others is a good moral point but finish first you have committed for.
- Don’t feel afraid of anything. Keep your mind free of all constraints, troubles, fears and stress. Try to live independent of all not only for your own self but also for others.
- Do your best at work but arrange friends and family gatherings when you find free time. Make phone calls to them, send them Emails or visit them often. It will keep your personal and social relationships stronger and blooming.